Publicerat 5 maj 2022 av SnickarnMy application for the Summer Courses at the Folk Flute Academy 2022 Submit your application before 1 July. N.B.: The application is binding. Your name (mandatory) Your e-mail (mandatory) Pick a course! 10-12 August: Course level 112-14 August: Course level 2 (advanced)13 August Publicerat 5 maj 2022Redigera ”Welcome to Folk Flute Academy’s summer courses 2022! ” Welcome to Folk Flute Academy’s summer courses 2022! Two Courses: level 1 (August 10-12) and level 2 (August 12-14) We will teach you tunes from Jämtland, Härjedalen, Medelpad. You will be playing a variety of flutes provided by Gunnar for the course. The flutes that you will be using are Härjedals– or Månmarkapipa in A and Offerdals– or Åspipa in G. During the course you will have the opportunity to order or buy flutes to discount prices. Two workshops with Jean Pierre Yvert, (Sälgeflöjt) and Stefan Ekedahl (Evertsbergspipa) on Friday. Det är först till kvarn som gäller och vill man vara säker på att komma med så måste man anmäla sig så snart som möjligt. Other activities: Meeting for flute makers Phone number (mandatory) Birth date, OR 10-digit Personal no. (mandatory) Your postal address (mandatory), and other info, such as allergies, diets etc.: I do accept (mandatory) that these data are stored for the purpose of course administration at Folk Flute Academy: A simple question for you = less incoming spam for us: 1+1=? Δ